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Leadership – Lesson 4. How Bad Do You “Really” Want Success

Leadership – Lesson 4. How Bad Do You “Really” Want Success

Are you looking for success?  Do you want to take your game to the next level?

Over and over, some of us with great leadership potential, tend to focus on barriers and obstacles.  Sure, there will be many times in your career with the stress and anxiety of your day to day job will start to get to you.  The difference between those whom allow this anxiety to control their thought processes and decisions and those whom do not, is the difference in incremental success.

For every single barrier that you face to achieve certain milestones, metrics and benchmarks, there is a solution to overcome.  What is important is what you focus and think about.  If you consistently give excuses about your performance or blame others, you have trained your mind to look for excuses and barriers.  This is a dangerous habit to create for yourself but you do have the ability to overcome it.

Focus On Solutions, Not Barriers!

The key to success is all about your mindset.  If you spend the same amount of time trying to find a solution, then you will eventually stumble upon that solution.  You will also begin to grow personally and professionally and enhance your leadership capabilities.  Sometimes, we lose steam and it is easier to throw our hands up and play the card of “tell me what to do.”  This particular victim card diminishes the viewpoint others have of us and our capabilities.

Think for a moment what metric, result or goal you are currently struggling with.  With this in mind, ask yourself the following questions and be truthful / answer with integrity.

  • When I was interviewing for my current role and if I was asked about your current roadblock – “Would you be able to accomplish X (Your current roadblock) within x time, I would guarantee the position to you.”  Would you at that point be able to find a solution, if you know the next journey in your career depended on it?
  • If at the end of the week or the end of the month I did not accomplish X, my house would be burned down, would you find the solution that you are facing?

The house burning down is a little extreme, but I want you to step out of your current state and figure out if the problem you face was placed in a different context, would you then identify and execute against the steps that would lead to success or sit there and wait for your belongings to turn into ash?  Would it at least change your thought process and make you reprioritize?  If the answer is yes, then step out of the world of complacency and join the world of success.  Change your thought process, change your urgency levels, reprioritize your goals!

It is far easier to seek guidance and advice from others, however most of the time, we already knew the guidance that we received.  The feeling of, oh – well “that was common sense,” is true as you knew all along, you just did not give yourself the time and or focus to bring it to the forefront.  Think about solutions constantly and do one thing that will bring your goal closer to success.  Your career is about your ability to execute, now ask yourself, “How Bad Do I REALLY Want It.”\

We would love to hear from you, for all of your leadership questions, obstacles and or barriers, please let us know for a no strings attached – FREE Leadershipism.



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