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Justify vs Just-If-I, One Letter Makes All the Difference

Justify vs Just-If-I, One Letter Makes All the Difference

We live in a very busy world and at times allow ourselves to not yield the targeted performance or outcome that we once wanted to achieve. This could be within our personal life or a work environment, but once we reach the point of reflection in regards to performance vs objective, we sometimes make a crucial mistake, which in turn begins to repeat itself over and over.

What exactly is this crucial mistake? The error of looking for justification as to why we were not successful – the time we spend to create assumptions that make us feel better for not yielding the desired result. We tend to justify our actions “to declare innocent or guiltless; absolve; acquit.”
In order to achieve success, now is the time, not to defend our performance, make excuses nor justify our results – but instead, the time to look in the mirror and ask ourselves “Just If I.”


Identify what the true root cause of the predicament is – most of the time this solution will begin and end with each one of us, if we are truly honest with ourselves.

Just if I… followed through on my plan.
Just if I… held my team accountable.
Just if I… organized myself more.
Just if I… were more honest with myself
Just if I… stayed a little longer.

The time is now to commit to excellence and the only way to take the first step towards the promise land is to be truthful and honest with ourselves. We are all guilty from time to time of giving excuses and defending of our actions, but in order to yield the success we desire, we must begin to merge from our actions of wanting to justify to redeveloping this word into an actionable step in self accountability, by asking ourselves three simple words – Just if I….

If we are open and honest with ourselves, we will quickly discover the solution that may be right in front of us that has been getting lost in the justifications and reasoning’s. Make today the day you commit towards switching the letter to make a difference, it’s that simple!

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