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Today is the Day that Determines Your Mood Tomorrow

Today is the Day that Determines Your Mood Tomorrow

The time is now to stop reflecting on your past and informing yourself you are unhappy with you present circumstances. We all have the days where regret steps in. If you are not in a place within your life that is filled with tremendous joy and fulfillment, then today is the day to change the rest of your life!

Are you unhappy with your current health situation? How about your home environment, professional / personal balance, finances, etc? Then stop reflecting on the negative which tends to recreate our futures. Identify what the breakdown is and go after it by changing your daily routine – by making incremental progress each and every day that will lead to your desired end result, fulfillment.

In order to yield success, you need to block off time just for yourself each and every day. Time that is utilized to assist in achieving your end result, your ultimate goal of happiness. Every morning, I make it a point to wake up and brush my teeth. I have created a ritual, the brushing of my teeth is not what is of interest here, but knowing I have identified what begins my ritual is.

Upon brushing my teeth, I immediately go and exercise for 20 minutes followed by writing for 15 minutes, reading a personal development book for 15 minutes, identifying what I am grateful for and visualizing for 10 minutes and eating breakfast, prior to taking my daily shower. Upon driving to the office daily, I also listen to self development audio programs to acquire the skills I have identified interest in for the quarter.

In the past, I found myself utilizing the old excuse of I do not have any time to…. exercise, read, write, eat breakfast. Fill in the blanks to which you find yourself saying you do not have the time to do and do something about it. Yes, I now wake up an hour earlier every day, but the end result is the beginning of the day belonging to me, which will lead to my goals vs scrambling to get ready to go to work, recreating the prior day’s scene again and again.

Remember, if you do not take interest in your own life, no one else will. You are the one whom controls your destiny. Today is the day that determines tomorrow’s outcome, so the time is now for you to identify what about yourself you want to change and create daily rituals and habits that will allow you to work on yourself. Life is too short to continually allow others to dictate your outcome, identify today what it is you will do to get out of the funk, to not only get out of the rut but create a prosperous life in which you are continually developing to become vs waiting and seeing what happens.

Today I am grateful for the ability to sit in my warm house and share what has worked well for me with all of you.

Take control – TODAY – and build upon the list of what you are grateful for tomorrow. If you would like to learn more about daily rituals, please do not hesitate to contact me.

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