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Leadership – Lesson 8. Am I Guilty of Giving Excuses?

Leadership – Lesson 8. Am I Guilty of Giving Excuses?

Excuses are a normal element of everyday life; however, they are not effective nor help any of us grow and develop. An excuse or a justification – a reason why something cannot or has not been done, is not admirable, will lead to the outcome, success, nor the person you are in pursuit of becoming.

I recall when I was at the beginning stages of my managerial career and I frequently felt bad for not being in touch with a family member. Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, months became a half year. Finally, I overcame the feelings of guilt and embarrassment and decided to make the call and proceeded to have a great conversation about the past and present.

Towards the end of the conversation, I decided to apologize for not being in touch more frequently. Instead of stopping there, I then added – “I just have been too busy, I have not had the time.”

His response was one that truly changed my life forever. He responded in his typical quiet and reserved tone, “I think highly of you, respect what you have done, and you will have a bright and prosperous future. However, please do not give me excuses why you have not been able to visit, if it were important to you, you would have found a way.

If it were important to you, you could have found 5 minutes to pick up the phone, if it were important to you, you could have found 5 hours to come visit. I am proud of you, it is great to hear from you, please keep in touch but please do not give me excuses”

WOW – years later, I still remember verbatim what he had said to me. He was right, if it were important to me I would have found a way, but instead I found reasons / excuses why I could not, to make myself feel better about the situation.

That sentence changed my life, both professionally and personally. That sentence not only eliminated excuses from my vocabulary, but it also has eliminated my ability to accept them from my friends, family, coworkers and employees.

As a leader, pursuing bigger and better things, it is imperative that you utilize your energy by asking what else I can do to yield the results I desire vs coming up with all the reasons why it cannot be accomplished. Once you begin giving excuses, you begin accepting excuses.

Starting a downward vicious cycle that will derail you from any element of success and prosperous future.
Look for reasons why and how you can vs the opposite. If you are focused on the outcome relentlessly, a solution will present itself. You cannot find a solution to a new problem by repeating your tactics and initiatives.

You cannot get to where you want to go by doing what you have always done. You cannot anticipate success by justifying your actions or giving excuses.

In order to grow and yield success, always remember, no one likes an excuse. Focus your energy as to how you can and will accomplish the challenge at hand and asking yourself “what else can I do” and a solution will always present itself.

Excuses are only generated to deflect, if it is important to you, you will find a way. Today is the day to begin your new journey and not let any barriers get in your way to success. Identify throughout this week any and all excuses you give and redirect your energy.

You will find yourself giving excuses from time to time, as this is typical human behavior. Identifying when and changing gears is what will lead to a career and personal life of extraordinary success and happiness

Good Luck!

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