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Leadership – Lesson 1. COMMUNICATION

Leadership – Lesson 1. COMMUNICATION

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” – George Bernard Shaw

Communication is the foundation of successful performance within any organization you belong to. Far too often, we assume that our teams are aligned with the direction we have provided and never really validate if that is truthful, prior to yielding unwanted results. In order to achieve targets and desired results, we need to ensure the bridge is built between confusion and clarity.

The bridge, also known as alignment, is imperative within your workplace, as well as your leadership success. We need the entire team rowing in the same direction as a boat will not move forward if everyone is rowing in opposite directions.

Far too often we assume just because we told our team what the direction and initiative is, that they understand and have prioritized the urgency, the same way you intended the message to be prioritized. However, time and time again, we face unachieved targets and metrics and may even blame our teams on their performance. Have you ever thought or uttered the words, “How many time do I have to tell you?”

To become effective, we must remember, every time we point a finger, we have four more pointing back at us. We are the leaders, our teams depend on us to deliver messaging appropriately, as well as follow up and accountability (which we will cover at another time). Therefore, we must first and foremost make sure our team understands our intended message.

If, our messaging was not understood or received appropriately, that is not the fault of our team members, but the fault of ourselves for not validating understanding and comprehension. The good news is this is fairly easy to validate by following the three steps below:

· Connect with your team and speak to them on their level, how they would speak to assist with understanding.

· Ask your team, what was the messaging and directive that they heard, have them repeat it back to you.

· Ask your team, how will you deliver this message to your team, have them role play with you.

Once you are confident your team understands your messaging, you are half way there. If they have a team that reports to them, you need to be certain the messaging has gotten to them without becoming diluted, similar to a game of telephone. To help your team validate their messaging, ask them what their top three priorities are in order of importance and write it down on a piece of. Next, randomly ask their team members the same questions and compare responses from each of the notes.

Do they all match? Do they match what you had anticipated? If so, great you are in alignment! If not, you know where to focus.

Now is the time to bring illusion to reality, to create a cohesive team that is aligned and communicates appropriately. Proper communication is the first pillar that will lead to you and your team’s success.

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