Leadership – Lesson 9. Drive for Results vs I Don’t Know

Leadership – Lesson 9. Drive for Results vs I Don’t Know

Do you struggle to achieve a certain metric but accelerate in others? Are you continually asked how you will obtain the targeted results? More often than not, within the operational leadership role, initiatives you are responsible for achieving that influence change, sometimes feel as if they change weekly. Are you at a point in your role where you are great with the majority of initiatives but struggle with one or two? When questioned on what redirection you will provide and what you will do differently, have you ever uttered the response, “I don’t know?” More often then not, when uttering “I…
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Leadership – Lesson 2.  Is Your Team Doing “OK”

Leadership – Lesson 2. Is Your Team Doing “OK”

In order to effectively lead teams, you need to connect with those on your team.  When connecting, this is not solely professionally but also personally.  If you want to ignite performance with your team members, you really need to get to know them.  If you do not know your team and what motivates them, how are you going to manage each team member differently? Your Team's Happiness Equals Their Performance I have witnessed many leaders that do not truly spend the time getting to know the members of their team. They also do not realize when something is not going…
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Leadership – Lesson 1. COMMUNICATION

Leadership – Lesson 1. COMMUNICATION

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” – George Bernard Shaw Communication is the foundation of successful performance within any organization you belong to. Far too often, we assume that our teams are aligned with the direction we have provided and never really validate if that is truthful, prior to yielding unwanted results. In order to achieve targets and desired results, we need to ensure the bridge is built between confusion and clarity. The bridge, also known as alignment, is imperative within your workplace, as well as your leadership success. We need the…
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Today is the Day that Determines Your Mood Tomorrow

Today is the Day that Determines Your Mood Tomorrow

The time is now to stop reflecting on your past and informing yourself you are unhappy with you present circumstances. We all have the days where regret steps in. If you are not in a place within your life that is filled with tremendous joy and fulfillment, then today is the day to change the rest of your life! Are you unhappy with your current health situation? How about your home environment, professional / personal balance, finances, etc? Then stop reflecting on the negative which tends to recreate our futures. Identify what the breakdown is and go after it by…
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Justify vs Just-If-I, One Letter Makes All the Difference

Justify vs Just-If-I, One Letter Makes All the Difference

We live in a very busy world and at times allow ourselves to not yield the targeted performance or outcome that we once wanted to achieve. This could be within our personal life or a work environment, but once we reach the point of reflection in regards to performance vs objective, we sometimes make a crucial mistake, which in turn begins to repeat itself over and over. What exactly is this crucial mistake? The error of looking for justification as to why we were not successful – the time we spend to create assumptions that make us feel better for…
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Leadership – Lesson 12 Employee Engagement Defined

Leadership – Lesson 12 Employee Engagement Defined

Employees are your most important asset - Engage them, Lesson 12 Employee Engagement Gallup’s most recent State of the American Workplace survey found a shocking trend among employees working in the United States: In the survey conducted in 2016 and 2017, they found that 70% of employees felt disengaged at work and have felt that way for quite some time. This is an incredible figure when considering the myriad benefits of businesses prioritizing employee engagement. Exploring Engagement Employee engagement defined, consists of the satisfaction of an employee’s basic needs, individual needs, teamwork needs and personal growth needs. When these needs…
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