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Leadership – Lesson 10. Focus Yields Performance

Leadership – Lesson 10. Focus Yields Performance

Your Focus & Questions You Ask Determines Your Performance!

Negativity destroys any upward momentum within an organization.  Negativity also hinders your performance as a leader. From time to time it is very simple to contemplate negative thoughts and voice your concerns on initiatives, targets, expectations, etc. The problem with type of outlook is that it is counterproductive to what you seek on accomplishing… SUCCESS.  Success comes from your focus and attention.

Is Your Focus Correct, Do You Relate To The Following Questions?

Do you feel there are unrealistic targets set forth to achieve?

Are you questioning a new initiative rolled out?

Are you getting frustrated with the results being produced from those whom are working for you?

It happens to everyone from time to time but it is up to you to notice this behavior and change focus.   Once you notice the behavior, ask yourself different questions. If your focus is around seeking to find reasons why something will not work or why it is not a great idea, you are sure to find accompanying reasons to support you claims. As you continue this downward spiral, you are wasting valuable time and resources.

What we need to do is place the same energy & focus into finding reasons why it can work into how we are able to make it happen. If we are focused on solutions and ways to make anything a success, the same holds true, we will find them!

If you are looking to advance within your career, you must seek solutions, you must change your focus.   You must ask yourself “what else can I do as a leader to overcome the challenge at hand.” Continually asking yourself this question and realizing that any issues you face are a result of what you are doing, the quicker you will be successful, the quicker you will be noticed, the quicker you career will move to levels you never thought were possible.

Change your focus and outlook and you change the trajectory of you career, health and sanity. Each day you have the opportunity to reinvent yourself, let’s begin today

“Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right” ~ Henry Ford

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