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Having a Hard Time Achieving Results at Work? Now is the Time to Change the Outcome!

Having a Hard Time Achieving Results at Work? Now is the Time to Change the Outcome!

Are you feeling stuck in your current work environment? Are you having difficulties achieving goals and targets, not yielding the results you know you are capable of – the results you know you deserve?

Far too often, we get ourselves in a situation in which our produced results are not what we are used to yielding, nor anything we are able to celebrate, to be proud of, which then creates anxiety from within and the dreaded feeling of your passion slowly beginning to slip away.

If this situation sounds familiar and you know of this feeling all too well, then it is time now to take a stance and change your outcome. There is a direct correlation to your results and your actions. We often tend to point fingers and blame other departments, outside influences, other workers for our current situation, but at the end of the day, you are the one responsible. You are the leader whom has allowed the current situation, whether positive or negative. In order to move forward, you must first and foremost accept the responsibility.

What each and every one of us must understand is that hard work does not necessarily produce results. There are thousands of individuals whom are working extremely long hours and dealing with a mis-proprotion of personal and work balance while not achieving success. The outcome is not related to the physical amount of work placed but on the actions you are currently focused on. It is highly possible to do all the right things during all the wrong times. What we need to ensure is that we are spending our time conducting all the right things at all the right times.

So great, we have now taken responsibility for our output – now what? It is time to change your approach. If you are conducting the same routine / the same actions each week, how on earth could you ever expect a different result? You must change your approach and do so quickly. Remember, two to three behaviors will drive your organization forward. You must identify, what behaviors you want to improve in order to ensure your desired outcome.

Once you have identified the behaviors you will be working on, you must find a concrete, tangible measurement for each behavior. Track your performance both on the improved behavior and the overall goal you are seeking to change. If the behavior is seeing improvement but your overall goal is not moving forward, it is time to change what you and your team are focused on again. Continue to do so, until you have found the largest influencer on the results you are seeking.

Today is the day every one of us must take a stance and stop blaming others for our undesired results and take ownership, change tactics and celebrate success. Stop spending time and energy, finger pointing and finding faults in everyone else. Remember – every time you point a finger, you have three more pointing back at yourself.

Change your approach, align your teams, track progress, focus and success is inevitable. You have the ability to accomplish anything you want, it is all about self accountability, directing your energy in the correct area and changing gears if what you are doing currently is not working.

Good luck everyone – I believe in you!

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