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Leadership – Lesson 3. You Do Know, If You Seek

Leadership – Lesson 3. You Do Know, If You Seek

As a leader, you will encounter many situations that will challenge you.  Roadblocks and obstacles will clout your judgement. You may be tempted to stop and give excuses.  It is at this pivotal point, that you remind yourself, all of the reasons you want to be successful.  You must remind yourself, everything you have done to make it to this point in your career.

You may be asked to report in on progress, and / or asked to discuss your plan of action to yield success.   It is at this pivotal point, you prevent yourself from throwing your hands up and mumbling “I don’t know,” under your breath.

The words “I Don’t Know,” will not assist you within your career.  These same words that may sound harmless at the time, also indicate that you are losing passion and are not in the game.  It may be true, you very well may not know how you will proceed at the given moment.  However, changing your philosophy and taking the time to simply ask yourself, “What else can I do to  get closer to my desired goal,” vs “I don’t know,” will begin to work magic in your leadership career. “What 1 new thing could I do that I have not tried yet,” asked daily and executed against daily, will force you to take the time to digest and think about solutions.

Leadership is Solution Based!

Taking the time to try new methodology over and over until the solution presents itself will ignite your career and results.  Seeking the answer to “What else can I do to get to the desired goal,” will assist you to research different topics, make you ask better questions to your colleagues and employees.  “I Don’t Know” is very damaging in the sense that it takes you back to the past and has your mind focusing on the current set of results that you are not happy with as well as everything you have tried that did not work.  This thought process will not get you over the hurdle.  You need to look into the future and realize that there are always solutions.  You may not know the solution currently, however, if you are not seeking a solution – you will never find it.

Would you rather have a team that comes to you with solutions vs seeking what to do next?  Now imagine if your current boss was asked the same question?   I, like you, would prefer someone consistently coming to me with potential solutions that I take the time and help coach vs my team member telling me “I Don’t Know.”

Remember – seek solutions and you will eventually find them.  You Do Know, You Do Know, You Do Know – Now Change Gears and Go Find The Answer!

We would love to hear from you, for all of your leadership questions, obstacles and or barriers, please let us know for a no strings attached – FREE Leadershipism.


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